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Outplacement provides active support during a job change. Outplacement offers you, as a good employer, the opportunity to part ways from your employee respectfully and in the right way in the event of a reorganisation, difference of opinion and/or changing job requirements. The employee's right to outplacement is often set out in a social plan or settlement agreement.

Tax benefits:

The transition compensation you are obliged to pay to the employee can be more advantageous for both parties if it is sourced from the outplacement budget. This is tax-free which means that you pay less in social security contributions and the employee receives a higher net amount. 

The aim of our outplacement programme:

Each individual outplacement programme at Projob is aimed at ensuring that by the end of the programme your employee will have new perspectives on the labour market.Each individual outplacement programme at Projob is aimed at ensuring that by the end of the programme your employee will have new perspectives on the labour market

Our outplacement process consists of two phases: 

1. Personal orientation

Reflecting on the reasons for, and emotional reactions to the dismissal. Starting to process the news

2. External orientation

Concreate job search and job coaching

In addition, we have a third option: you can choose from a varied range of individual training/coaching in the field of personal development.

Working method:

After the programme has been authorised, the working method, budget, potential moments of evaluation and the duration of the process are determined, enabling each person to know in advance what is expected of them. 

Placement for a new job

One advantage of an outplacement programme at Projob is that we also offer placement on the labour market. This means we can access Projob's vacancy database and network free of charge to you.

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